Level 0 Product Summary
Level 1 Product Summary
Level 1 Product | Configuration | About |
Delay Doppler Maps | L1/E1 LHCP L1/E1 RHCP L5/E5a LHCP L5/E5a RHCP | Full Delay Doppler Maps for each frequency and polarisation (GPS and Galileo) |
Reflectivity at Specular Point | L1/E1 LHCP L1/E1 RHCP L5/E5a LHCP L5/E5a RHCP | Radiometrically corrected Reflectivity at Specular Point |
Sigma-0 / NBRCS | L1/E1 LHCP L1/E1 RHCP L5/E5a LHCP L5/E5a RHCP | Sigma-0 or Normalised Bistatic Radar Cross Section at Specular Point |
Coherent Coefficient: Power spread ratio (1 Hz) High rate CC (25 Hz) | L1/E1 LHCP L1/E1 RHCP L5/E5a LHCP L5/E5a RHCP | Coherent coefficient at specular point calculated via power spread in DDM, and by higher rate Coherent Channel |
Estimated EIRP at Specular Point | L1/E1 L5/E5a | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power from GNSS satellite towards Specular Point |
Blackbody Noise | L1 band, L5 band | Measured Noise power calculated from nadir and direct blackbody loads |
Geometry, Antenna Gain, SNR, other meta-data | All channels | Meta-data including geolocated specular point, antenna gain to specular point, signal to noise ratio at specular point |
Level 2 / Level 3 Product Summary
L2 Processor | Outputs | Grid | L3 Temporal Average | Units / Uncertainty Mission Goal | Nominal validation |
L2OP-SSM Soil Moisture | L2G, L3 | 25 km | 1 day | m3/m3 0.04 m3/m3 | SMAP, SMOS, San Luis Valley, Chad |
L2OP-FT Freeze Thaw | L2G, L3 | 25 km | 5 days (rolling daily) | Binary flag 90% classification accuracy | SMAP, SMOS, Sodankylä |
L2OP-SI Surface Inundation | L2 (1 Hz) L2 (25 Hz) | Ungridded | – | Binary flag 90% classification accuracy | JRC GSW |
L2OP-FB Forest Biomass | L2 (1 Hz), L3 | 25 km => 1 km | 6 months | T/Ha 20% accuracy | GEOCARBON, Gabon Forest, Sodankylä |
L2OP-SWS Ocean wind & Ice | L2 (1 Hz) | Ungridded | – | m/s (Wind speed) 2 m/s, Binary (Ice), 90% class. acc. | ASCAT, ERA-5 |
Data formatted in NetCDF, Levels 1 and 2 divided into 6 hour periods. Product Manual will be made available nearer launch.