Journal Paper Introducing HydroGNSS
Algorithm Theoretical Documents (ATBD) for Products
No. | ATBD | Responsible | Ref | V (S-V) | Comments |
1 | Level 1A, 1B | SSTL | 00655831 | 5.0 | Processing from L0b to L1A and L1B, radiometric calibration. |
2 | Level 1B-PX | NOC | 00654816 | 1.1 (4) | Ocean-based calibration module |
3 | Level 2/3 SM | Sapienza | 00649693 | 2.3 (10) | Soil Moisture Processor |
4 | Level 2/3 FT | FMI | 00649720 | 1/1 (10) | Freeze Thaw Processor |
5 | Level 1B-CX/CC and Level 2 SI | IEEC/CSIC-ICE | 00649719 | 3.0 (10) | Surface Inundation Processor |
6 | Level 2/3 FB | IFAC-CNR | 00655639 | 0/5 (7) | Forest Biomass Processor |
7 | Level 2 SWS | NOC | 00654815 | 1.1 (6) | Surface Wind Speed and Ice Extent |